Ordinary people. Ordinary dogs.
Extraordinary stories
New! watch episode 1
More than just a best friend

Watch the incredible stories of unforgettable dogs, from amazing athletes to heroic service dogs, and discover the indomitable spirit that drives them.

Learn how ordinary canines and everyday trainers realize extraordinary achievements through hard work and an unbreakable bond that makes them more than just best friends.

All dogs are special — we're just harnessing their abilities.
Dave Milan
Search Manager,
SC Foothills Search & Rescue
Latest Episode
The Dog That Saved My Life

A man’s love for dogs ultimately saved his life. Sound intriguing? We know you’ll love watching all of the suspenseful twists and turns in this episode as you hear the story of our founder, John Gardner, and how ProDogTV began.

Episode Preview
John Gardner
John Gardner
John Gardner's Story
Airport Security
Search and Rescue
Agility Dogs
Justin Murphy
Justin Murphy
Co-Executive Producer
Steven Weathers
Steven Weathers
Senior Writer
Awards & Selections
Cast & Crew
Executive Producers
John Gardner and Justin Murphy
Trustyn, Alfred, and Palmer, with human friends
Tell us your amazing dog story!

We love stories about amazing dogs! Do you have one we need to hear? Share it with us and you may be featured in a future episode!
